1.下次如果覺得自己了不起時, 試試行在水上。If you think you are so smart, try walking on the water. 2.當魔鬼提起你的過去時, 請提醒牠的未來。If Satan mentions your past, remind him of his future. 3.你不是幸運, 是蒙福。You are not lucky, but are blessed. 5.機會也許只敲一次門,...
Read More1.下次如果覺得自己了不起時, 試試行在水上。If you think you are so smart, try walking on the water. 2.當魔鬼提起你的過去時, 請提醒牠的未來。If Satan mentions your past, remind him of his future. 3.你不是幸運, 是蒙福。You are not lucky, but are blessed. 5.機會也許只敲一次門,...
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